PREZI and Assessment ~ NETS-T I, II, & III

I created a PREZI presentation that incorporated NETS-S standards for students Grades PK- 2 (ages 4-8). I was able to embed Videos and Images to make the presentation creative and interesting for my viewers. The presentation describes three different assignments we will be doing as a class. These assignments will engage students in exploring real-world issues and solve authentic problems using the digital tools and resources the school provides. Students will be working in a technology enriched learning environment. The can creatively customize their own documents using diverse learning styles and different digital tools and resources. The information will communicate relevant ideas towards the curriculum.

Using Google Documents I created an assessment for those who viewed my Prezi presentation to complete. I am able to then view the results and obtain feedback about my presentation from my viewers who completed my assessment. This activity demonstrates principles used in standards from NETS-T IV. Using an assessment you can promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information.  I am able to take the results from my assessment to make my presentation better.

CLICK here to view results from assessment