Using Diigo.com as a class we have researched various topics about incorporating technology into teaching.Diigo is an on-line social bookmarking, networking, and classroom learning tool with extra features geared towards educators. In this module, we will explore social bookmarking, set up secure classroom groups, join networking groups, collaborate on research, annotate any on-line document, and save "snapshots" of items found online. Diigo allows you to access your account, including bookmarks, teacher console, etc. from any computer with internet access. After searching various websites we can highlight specific information on the page, and even bookmark the pages to our Diigo account in which we later collect and store the information according to how we tagged it. Every tag has a description to that page. You can then later share these helpful webpages as URLS to twitter. It is a great way to communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.